Live now in the Gallery – a selection of photos from our September tour
About Huddersfield CTC

Huddersfield and District CTC is a local branch of Cycling UK (formerly known as The Cyclist’s Touring Club) a National Cycling Charity. If you have joined Cycling UK, perhaps for insurance purposes why not join us on our rides? Non-members are very welcome to join us as guest members for up to 5 rides.
We welcome new and experienced riders, the pace is relaxed which allows riders to chat and at the same time take in the beautiful countryside. Each ride has a leader and no one gets left behind. The ride leader re-groups at the top of hills or at turnings so no one gets lost. A back marker will be behind you. Should you wish to cut a ride short and you need help getting back to the start someone will go with you.
If you have read this far you are likely to have access to a bike, so get it out of the shed, pump up the tyres, pack a puncture repair kit with tyre levers and a spare tube and you are ready to go. You don’t need to wear special cycling gear, but do bring some money for the café stop.
We have a Facebook page which will give you all the latest news.
Our Organised / Regular Rides
Saturday Rides
Those new to cycling would find the monthly Saturday morning rides an ideal starting point with distances of between 10 and 15 miles on flatter routes from different points in Kirklees. The Saturday rides are ideal for novices to build up confidence, skill and a bit of cycling fitness. The pace is gentle and you will be well supported because we pride ourselves on nurturing new cyclists.
Sunday Rides
Long, relaxing all day social touring at a steady pace for cyclists with a bit more experience.
On Sundays we have a ride every week throughout the year. The Sunday rides vary in length between 30 – 80 miles, with a variety of terrain from the flat to the hilly, they usually start at Somerset Bridge at the junction of King’s Mill Lane and Wakefield Road, start time is 9:30am all year round. There will be a nice long stop for lunch and perhaps other stops as well.
Tuesday Evening Rides
From April to late September we have weekly Tuesday evening rides of between 10 and 20 miles starting at 7 pm from various locations near Huddersfield and finishing at about 9 pm. Whilst short, these are a great opportunities to develop your climbing and descending skills around Huddersfield. These spring and summer Tuesday rides are suitable for all who have a little confidence and who are past the beginner stage of cycling. There are still lots of stops, with the highlight being the sharing of the biscuits by the ride leader towards the end of the ride.
Wednesday Rides
We also have mid-week daytime rides throughout the year on Wednesdays starting at 10am from Somerset Bridge.
These rides are usually in the region of 20 to 30 miles with café stop for a chance to socialize. All are welcome including users of e-bikes. Such rides are particularly popular with retired members who seek a leisurely ride and a chinwag.
Cycling Touring Holidays
Each year we do often arrange cycling trips over 2 to 3 days in the Spring and Summer.